Very Emotional Times Here

umr khayam
3 min readOct 23, 2020

Here’s a little riddle for you,

Goddamn birds, living on me rent free! What am I?

Before I share the answer, what do you think is it? A nest? A tree?

Pssst, WRONG!

IT IS I, the free-real-estate-for-birds-enator! he he

We had to solve 25 of these riddles, take a selfie with them and then upload it to a common folder on the drive. ‘We’ being almost half of my batchmates at Amal Academy. This activity was a part of our last session together.

Very sed times here *

But don’t cry just yet, this also means I don’t have to wake up early in the mornings on weekends (10 AM to be exact).

This does put a smile on my fACE *

But there was much more to our last session than just taking selfies with trees. One of my personal favorites was when the program managers would genuinely appreciate you for something that they liked about you. IDK about you, but being the self-absorbed narcissistic Fudge that I am, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

This puts an even bigger zmile on my face :D *

One of the biggest insights I got from the session was the fact that one can physically get tired of smiling.

I can’t think of any other event from my life where I smiled so much. I wasn’t smiling throughout the session because the program managers praised me (unfortunately I’m not a plus ultra narcissist… yet). I was smiling because I felt happy for everyone. I might not have noticed it till that point, but I had a connection with my fellows. I really like them ❤

Heck, they even gave me a nick name…


They probably don’t know who Mr. Anime is 😅. If you are trying super hard to get the joke but you still don’t get it, just watch this.

In all seriousness though, it was one of the best sessions I’ve had.

Sure, it might not have been the most “productive” session of the fellowship or the most “useful” one. But sometimes it’s alright to just have fun and not worry about the things that you have to do. It’s alright to just sit back and enjoy the company of your mates. To just be happy. Even if that means taking selfies with a tree.

Looking forward to the many bizarre adventures that the future holds for us. Would love to sit down with you guys someday in a physical setting and take a selfie or two with some random trees. Until then keep posing like this.

Batch 146 being creepy
Me cropped out while being creepy

P.S. If you’re reading this in the far future, I haven’t met them physically due to the covid-19 pandemic

P.P.S. In case you don’t know what these * mean, please help yourself.

